Here are a few helpful suggestions to make adding your site to the iVillage
Crafter's Mall Web Ring faster and easier:
Who can join?
Since this is an iVillage webring, only our iVillage homepages can be added.
If you already have your main site on another server, you can create a
homepage here at iVillage, and link it to your main site.
Double-check your URL when submitting your page
When you submit your site to the webring, double-check that you've submitted
the entire URL correctly. It should be
The URLs are "case sensitive" - Yourpage is not the same as yourpage, so watch
for this.
About the Webring Logo
The code for the Crafters Mall Logo is included in the webring code. You should have to do nothing
with it.
Notifying the Ringmaster
The webring code must already be on your page when the Ringmaster tries to add
your site.
If you have any difficulty or questions about adding this code,
you are more than welcome to post your question on one of the
Personal Homepages
Message Boards, where your questions will be promptly answered.